
PHL 201认识论——知识、科学和历史的原因(4学分)




PHL 201:认识论-知识、科学和历史的原因


记录标题知识、科学和理性学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备讲座或者说是121。课程描述传统认识论的分析可以归结为“科学知识:”这是什么意思,“知道吗?”How do we know the things we supposedly know? What makes up the objects of possible knowledge? This course explores basic problems and different theories of knowledge along with related issues in metaphysics, for example: how to define the nature and limits of knowledge; rationalist vs. empiricist perspectives; assumptions about reality and existence; and arguments for and against the existence of God. Course learning outcomes 1. Recognize and respond to questions or problems that are characteristic of epistemology. 2. Explain different philosophical positions or theories that are common to the Western tradition and articulate one’s own points of view in a clear, consistent, concise and thorough manner. 3. Utilize basic tools of philosophic inquiry and argument. 4. Interpret primary source material and show how historical texts may be applied to contemporary debates or dilemmas. Content outline I. Introduction and the Analysis of Knowledge II. Defeasibility Theory III. Relevant Alternatives Theory IV. Causal Theory of Knowledge, Knowledge as Truth-Tracking, Internalism vs. Externalism V. Skepticism and the Structure of Knowledge VI. Coherentism VII. Foundationalism VIII. Theories of Perception IX. Empiricism X. Direct Realism XI. Rationalism XII. Conventionalism Required materials Required textbook. General education/Related instruction lists Arts and Letters



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