
PSY 202心灵与社会(4学分)




PSY 202:心灵与社会


成绩单标题心智与社会学分4评分模式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备WR 060(或更高)或最低安排WR /Comm 5级。课程描述强调心理学是一门科学的过程,是一门调查探究的方法。心理学研究的选定领域的概述,包括:人类的发展贯穿生命周期;人类性行为;健康心理学;人格理论与人格评估;心理障碍;干预与治疗;社会心理学,人和因素心理学。包括心理学的主要理论方法。 Course learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the methods and research designs used in the empirical study of psychology as a science. 2. Identify and discuss their understanding of ethical issues in psychological research. 3. Distinguish between the major historical schools of thought in psychology and the major current philosophies and demonstrate an understanding of how these schools of thought continue to influence the field of psychology. 4. Identify a normal sequence of human development (physical, cognitive, socio-emotional). 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the history of sexology, common sexual disorders and treatment, and societal issues related to human sexuality. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of normal sexual development and maturation, sexual orientation, gender role development, and gender differences. 7. Demonstrate an understanding of the area of personality psychology, including its historical roots, current theories and lines of research, and personality testing. 8. Identify specific psychological disorders (symptoms, prevalence, and etiology) and appropriate treatments. 9. Identify and analyze issues relevant to health psychology, including the bio-psychosocial model of wellness, and the impact of lifestyle on physical and mental health. 10. Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of the social group on individual behavior. 11. Analyze social factors in social cognition, social relations, and social influence on group processes. 12. Identify the application of psychological principles across a variety of settings, including personal and professional. 13. Identify main psychological themes discussed in peer-reviewed journal articles. 14. Analyze complicated psychological principles through formal writing and in class-discussion. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy






成绩单标题社会心理学学分4评分模式标准信评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备PSY 202或SOC 201;WR 060(或更高)或最低安置WR /通信等级5。调查心理过程对群体的影响,以及文化、社会、群体对个人的影响。包括从社会心理学的角度分析和探索行为。包括攻击、偏见、从众、隶属关系、利他主义、说服、人际吸引、社会认知、冲突解决、态度形成和改变,以及应用社会心理学等主题。课程学习成果从社会心理学的角度分析行为。2.解释社会心理学概念的相关性,以及它们如何应用于日常生活。3. Describe ways in which individual identities, worldviews, values, and biases are shaped by multiple cultural and social influences. 4. Interpret research findings related to social psychology concepts. 5. Separate scientific evidence and personal views in understanding behavior. Content outline History of social psychology Research, scientific literacy, and ethics Social cognition: heuristics, memory, and human decision making Identity, culture, and components of the self Predicting behavior: cognitive dissonance, justifications, and self-biases Compliance tactics and resisting persuasion Social influence: norms, mobs, conformity, and obedience Liking, love, and interpersonal relationships Prejudice, power dynamics, and escalation of hate Countering hate in groups and recovering from collective traumas Group dynamics: group think, social dilemmas, bystander intervention, and becoming agents for positive change Required materials The only material needed for this course would potentially be a textbook and associated resources that come with a textbook. General education/Related instruction lists Human Relations Social Science Cultural Literacy










