
Bee Campus

COCC is a Bee Campus USA Site!

Bee Campus

KTVZ story July 2022

Central Oregon Daily News story July 2022

How do we help the Bees and other Pollinators?

Grow Pollinator-FriendlyFlowers

Pollinator Plants


Bee and Grass

ProvideNesting Sites

Bee Nesting

Quick Facts:

  • 1/3 of food production depends on pollinators
  • 75% of all fruits and vegetables produce higher yields when visited by pollinators
  • The global crop production pollinated by bees is valued at $577 billion and 61 Pollinators contribute $24 billion to the U.S. agriculture industry, making up a third of the food consumed by Americans
  • Xercessociety estimates 28% of bumble bee species are at risk of extinction in North America – 8 species in California alone
  • Bees can be found inmarshes, shingles, sand dunes, soft cliffs, heathlands, wetlands, chalk grasslands, quarries, gravel pits, sea walls and even post-industrial land


Oregon Bee Project

Deschutes Land Trust

Xerces Society

State of Oregon

United Nations World Bee Day

Around the COCC Campuses

Bee Water Source
Native plants, various gardens and water feature around our campuses help promote a healthy bee population.
Pollinator Garden
COCC continually improves its grounds for maximal Climate Health and to provide habitat and other benefits its flora and fauna.

Planting along COCC

We partner with Local Organizations such as Deschutes Land Trust and Bend Pollinator Pathway.

Flowering trees were planted in the COCC Community garden by the cutest budding scientists at the Barber Family Science Night May 25, 2022.