
Academic Warning

Students are considered to be in good academic standing if they earn a 2.0 GPA or higher each term. Students who do not meet this requirement receive an academic warning. All students on academic warning will be sent an email at his/her college email address specific to their situation the day after grades are processed; it is the responsibility of the students to monitor their academic standing and complete academic warning requirements in a timely manner. Note: Students who do not have an assigned advisor may request one through CAP Service; students on academic warning may not be self-advised, and students who were self-advised must meet with an advisor; students may not change advisors while on academic warning.

Academic warning descriptions and requirements are as follows:

First Academic Warning:When students earn less than a 2.0 term GPA, they are placed on First Academic Warning. At this stage,students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor prior to registration.

Second Academic Warning:When students earn less than a 2.0 term GPA for two consecutive terms, they are placed on Second Academic Warning. At this stage, students are required to meet with an academic advisor and complete theSecond Academic Warning Worksheet. The worksheet must be submitted to Enrollment Services no later than 5 p.m., on Monday of the second week of the following term. If students are preregistered and fail to complete these steps, their registrations will be voided and a full tuition refund issued.(Bookstore expenses may not be refundable.) Second academic warning students will be prevented from registering for one calendar year or until such time as they complete the Second Academic Warning worksheet.

Third Academic Warning:When students earn less than a 2.0 term GPA for three consecutive terms, they are placed on third academic warning. In order to attend classes, students must complete theAcademic Reinstatement Petitionwith their advisor and submit it to Enrollment Services no later than 5 p.m. on Monday of the second week of the following term. The Academic Reinstatement Committee will review completed petitions no later than Wednesday of that week.

The Committee has three options:

Approve the petition as is: Students continue attending classes, following the requirements of the petition. If students fail to follow the academic plan or requirements, they may be voided from classes and their petition is considered "denied."

Approve the petition with revisions: If students fail to follow the revised academic plan or requirements, their registration in classes may be voided and their petition is considered "denied."

Deny the petition: If denied, students will not be allowed to continue or register for classes; any current registrations will be voided and a full-tuition/fee refund will be issued.(Bookstore expenses may not be refundable.) The student may petition for reinstatement the following term or cease to attend classes for one calendar year. After one year, students may re-enroll and begin classes as if no academic warnings existed (grades on students transcripts remain the same).

All petitions are final and are not subject to appeal unless there is information pertinent to the outcome that was not submitted at the time of the initial request.


If students are preregistered and fail to complete the petition, their registrations will be voided and a full-tuition refund issued, except books. Third academic warning students will be prevented from registering for one calendar year or until such time as their Academic Reinstatement petition is approved.

Fourth Academic Warning:
