
Institutional Success Indicator Definitions

Student Success Definitions

Community Enrichment Definitions

Student Success

First- to second-term retention


Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2017 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:2014-15年至2018-19年的五年平均第一至第二任期留职率为76.1%。2017年秋季组的保留率为78.1%。从历史上看,这一指标会波动,COCC本着保持上升趋势的精神,设定了一个雄心勃勃的最终目标,即到2023年达到80%(增长2%)。

Update Frequency:Annually the 4th week of winter term.

Fall-to-fall retention

Definition:Measures fall-to-fall retention of fall, first time certificate or degree seeking students. A student must be enrolled as of week 4 the following fall term to be counted as successfully retained. Students completing a certificate during the first year are included as the majority continue their education. This is a measure internal to COCC.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2017 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:The five-year average fall-to-fall retention rate from 20014-15 to 2018-19 was 47.9%. The fall 2017 cohort showed a 46.1% retention rate. A National Student Clearinghouse report stated that nationally, for the same fall, 48.9% students returned to their 2 year public institution the following fall. Historically, this indicator fluctuates and COCC set an aspirational ultimate target at 51.3% (5% above the national and an 11% increase) to be achieved by 2023.

Update Frequency:Annually the 4th week of fall term.

Passing college level math in first year


Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2017 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:The fall 2017 cohort showed 26.9% of students passed college level math in their first year. COCC has targeted interventions towards improving this and set an aspirational ultimate target of 32.3% (20% increase) by 2023.

Update Frequency:Annually after spring term.

Passing college level writing in first year

Definition:Measures fall, first-time students who pass a college-level writing within their first year. College-level writing is a course that fulfills a foundational requirement in writing and information literacy for transfer degrees or a related instruction requirement in communication for a CTE degree and certificate. This is a measure internally tracked by COCC.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2017 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:The fall 2017 cohort showed 42.1% of students passed college level writing in their first year. COCC has targeted interventions towards improving this and set an aspirational ultimate target of 46.3% (10% increase) by 2023.

Update Frequency:Annually after spring term.

Graduation Rates

Definition:Measures fall, first-time, full-time, certificate or degree seeking students who earn a completion within three years.

Data Source:Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS) - Federal Reporting

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2014 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:The fall 2014 cohort showed 19.9% of students earned a completion in three years. For the same fall 2014 cohort, the national graduation rate for 2-year postsecondary institutions was 26.6% and the top five Oregon community colleges showed 26% or higher. COCC set an aspirational ultimate target of 26% (31% increase) by 2028.

Update Frequency:Annually during winter IPEDS collection.

Transfer Rates

Definition:Measures fall, first-time, full-time, certificate or degree seeking students who transfer to another higher education institution (two-year or four-year) before earning a completion within three years.

Data Source:Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS) - Federal Reporting

Baseline Year and Rationale:Fall 2014 Cohort. The year prior to establishing the indicator and target.

Target Rationale:2014年秋季班的学生显示,20.9%的学生在毕业前三年内转学到另一所学校。在2014年秋季队列中,俄勒冈州排名前五的社区大学的数据为21%或更高,而在2015年秋季队列中,数据为25%或更高。COCC设定了一个雄心勃勃的最终目标,即到2028年实现25%(增长20%)的目标。

Update Frequency:Annually during winter IPEDS collection.

Community Enrichment

High school students taking credit courses

Definition:Number of high school students taking COCC credit courses while in high school during one academic year, either through COCC's College Now program or as a concurrent HS student.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2020-21 - November 2021, COCC hired a High School Partnerships Coordinator responsible for developing, coordinating, and evaluating academic programs in partnership with regional school districts, individual high schools, and key College personnel. Due to the intentional investment of resources, this serves as a good point from which to measure growth.

Target Rationale:A 2% projected growth per year is a conservative yet reasonable goal. Overall high school population growth is projected to decline. High schools are experiencing pandemic fatigue which is limiting teachers' abilities to take on more initiatives. COCC also has limited capacity for growth in faculty mentorship and engagement. A staff of two in the College Now program also means streamlining and implementing improved policies and procedures will stretch capacity building and overall growth.

Update Frequency:Annually after final academic year state reporting

Metric Owner:Krissa Harris and Cindy Lenhart

HS students taking credit courses and matriculating to COCC

Definition:Percentage of high school students taking COCC credit courses while in high school, at any point in their high school career, and matriculate to COCC one year post HS graduation.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 high school graduates. COCC continues to navigate the transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic and in to an evolving landscape within education. As the pandemic subsides, COCC will gain greater access to high school partnerships. Through intentional collaboration efforts, COCC will engage with high school partners in a number of strategic ways.

Target Rationale:A 5% increase over five years. Building capacity within College Now (CN) to deliver services and increases in CN classes will support this 1% per year increase. It is essential that COCC become more intentional in building high school partnerships and offerings. Competition from colleges and universities outside of the area is an immediate concern.

Update Frequency:Annually after final academic year state reporting

Metric Owner:Krissa Harris and Cindy Lenhart

High school students taking credit courses and matriculating to higher education anywhere


Data Source:Banner data match to the National Student Clearinghouse

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 high school graduates. COCC continues to navigate the transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic and in to an evolving landscape within education. As the pandemic subsides, COCC will gain greater access to high school partnerships. Through intentional collaboration efforts, COCC will engage with high school partners in a number of strategic ways.

Target Rationale:Research shows that high school students who take a college course while in high school have a greater likelihood of pursuing higher education after graduating high school. While our influence over where a student may decide to attend college is limited, our potential for growing high school offerings is significant.

Update Frequency:Annually after final academic year state reporting

Metric Owner:Krissa Harris and Cindy Lenhart

COCC students dually enrolled with OSU-Cascades

Definition:Percentage of COCC certificate-degree seeking (CDS) students dually enrolled in OSU-Cascades Degree Partnership Program (DPP)

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:Prior to the 2019-20 academic year, all students who were admitted to OSU-C were automatically admitted to COCC. Recognizing that many students did not intend to take a COCC class, and to reduce confusion on communications to students, COCC and OSU-C agreed to change its admissions process so that students opted in to being a DPP student as part of their admissions application.

Target Rationale:对于双重录取项目并没有全国性的标准,所以所选择的目标只是一个猜测。值得注意的是,DPP学生的增长在一定程度上取决于俄亥俄州立大学c分校是否增加其本科课程。COCC和OSU-C之间需要五年的重要工作,以更好地促进未来学生的DPP机会,以及OSU-C顾问,以更好地支持双重课程。此外,全州范围内的公共课程编号和专业转移模块的转变可能会影响学生进入DPP项目的意愿;预计CCN/MTM将在未来5年多的时间里大幅扩张。

Update Frequency:Annually after final academic year state reporting

Metric Owner:Alicia Moore, Tyler Hayes and Diane Pritchard

Maintain healthy Career Technical Education (CTE) advisory boards

Definition:Percentage of COCC advisory boards deemed healthy based on an annually administered survey and evaluation rubric.

Data Source:COCC developed survey administered annually to all current CTE advisory boards

Baseline Year and Rationale:The College introduced an annual survey to CTE Advisory boards starting spring 2020 making this metric possible.

Target Rationale:In order to both meet the needs of business and industry workforce training, and to comply with mandates for active advisory board interaction, the strategic planning goal workgroup developed a goal of 100% healthy advisory board activity and interaction.

Update Frequency:Annually after the survey administration

Metric Owner:Julie Downing and Michael Fisher

Workplace experience participation

Definition:Percentage of credit students participating in a workplace experience course offered by COCC annually. A workplace experience course contains an experience for students to hone their skills in a workplace setting after learning and practicing skills in course work.

Data Source:Courses flagged and tracked in Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2018-19 | This was pre-COVID determined as the baseline year due to…

Target Rationale:To have/maintain 8% of credit students participating because…

Update Frequency:Annually

Metric Owner:Instructional Leadership

Number of college-sponsored events offered

Definition:Number of events outside of traditional instructional offerings, and includes any activity formally sponsored or endorsed by the college where at least some of the intended participants are external stakeholders.

Data Source:Collected and tracked by the Office of College Advancement

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 | The number of events prior to COVID closures for college sponsored non-instructional events.

Target Rationale:The College's ability to sponsor events is expected to rebound and grow post-COVID, and as the College is able to 'host' more participants when events are offered virtually.

Update Frequency:Annually in July for the prior academic year.

Metric Owner:Zak Boone and Jennifer Peters

Participation in college-sponsored events offered

Definition:Number of attendees who participated, whether in person or virtually. Total participation all events included.

Data Source:Collected and tracked by the Office of College Advancement

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 |The number of participants prior to COVID closures for college sponsored non-instructional events.

Target Rationale:The College intends to grow event participation and will regularly assess a balance of offerings in various delivery methods that engender participation.

Update Frequency:Annually in July for the prior academic year

Metric Owner:Zak Boone and Jennifer Peters

College-sponsored event participant satisfaction (Future Metric)


Data Source:TBD

Baseline Year and Rationale:2022-23 due to the fact the survey is in development.

Target Rationale:提供各种主题的优秀社区活动。

Update Frequency:TBD

Metric Owner:TBD

Continuing Education Repeat Rates


Data Source:Data match with the Learning Resource Network (LERN)

Baseline Year and Rationale:2020-21 - In 2021 Continuing Education began a major restructure in the administration of non-credit programming. This restructure will better align non-credit priorities and allow for better understanding of non-credit student needs in our communities. COVID has allowed for new modalities of course delivery that will continue into the future. These intentional changes will drive resource allocation and serves as a good starting point to measure growth and progress.

Target Rationale:LERN national repeat rate for community education is 30-50% with a lower percentage for Professional/Workforce Development. With the restructure now in place and the continuation of modalities for course delivery, a conservative goal would help us focus on the reasons students are not repeating and work with Marketing and Public Relations (MPR) on focused marketing to repeat students.

Update Frequency:Annually by August 1

Metric Owner:Stephen Newcombe

Continuing Education New Students

Definition:Number of students taking open-enrollment classes for Community Education or Business Employee Services for the first time since April 2017, which is when the Enrole software was introduced.

Data Source:Enrole Informer Report

Baseline Year and Rationale:2020-21 - In 2021 Continuing Education began a major restructure in the administration of non-credit programming. This restructure will better align non-credit priorities and allow for better understanding of non-credit student needs in our communities. COVID has allowed for new modalities of course delivery that will continue into the future. These intentional changes will drive resource allocation and serves as a good starting point to measure growth and progress.

Target Rationale:LERN is not able to verify the new student percentage at this time. Until the national new student rate can be verified and we have a better understanding of what parameters are for counting new students, it is reasonable to maintain a new student rate at the same level over the last few years.

Update Frequency:Annually by August 1

Metric Owner:Stephen Newcombe

Continuing Education student satisfaction (Future Metric)


Data Source:TBD

Baseline Year and Rationale:2022-23 - Course evaluation have been individualized and inconsistent, working to establish more consistency. Data collection to support better understanding student satisfaction will be reviewed as part of the restructure with the goal of building a more systematic approach across all program areas.

Target Rationale:TBD

Update Frequency:TBD

Metric Owner:TBD

COCC Foundation scholarships offered annually

Definition:Unduplicated number of students receiving traditional COCC Foundation scholarships. This does not include ‘Other Foundation Award’ students or emergency/childcare awards.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 with the baseline number reflecting a general average of scholarships offered from 2017-2020.

Target Rationale:入学趋势最终将影响这一目标,但我们正在继续努力,减少学生申请奖学金的障碍,加大营销力度,并确保可用资金继续增长。

Update Frequency:Annually in November (audited financials)

Metric Owner:Zak Boone and Brittany Nichols

Value of COCC Foundation scholarships awarded

Definition:Total scholarship amount disbursed to students.

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 with the baseline amount reflecting a general average of scholarship funding from 2017-2020

Target Rationale:融资和捐赠市场的强劲回报预计将持续,这两者都是实现这一目标的关键驱动力。

Update Frequency:Annually in November (audited financials)

Metric Owner:Zak Boone and Brittany Nichols

Value of other COCC Foundation awards

Definition:Total award amount disbursed to students including emergency and childcare funds and ‘Other Foundation Awards’

Data Source:Banner

Baseline Year and Rationale:2019-20 with the baseline number reflecting a general average of scholarship.

Target Rationale:Fundraising staff continue to actively share the growing needs of students beyond tuition/scholarships with donors of all types. (Individual, corporate and foundation.)

Update Frequency:Annually in November (audited financials)

Metric Owner:Zak Boone and Brittany Nichols