
2018-23 Strategic Plan

Central Oregon Community College’s 2018-23 Strategic Plan provides a five-year framework for intentional work in four goal areas: student success, student experience, community enrichment and institutional efficiency.

The plan was developed in 2017-18 through analyzing the current environment and listening to the College community and was endorsed by the Board of Directors in June 2018. The plan builds upon existing work, aligns with COCC’s mission, vision, values and core themes, and defines a set of goals and initiatives to facilitate continual improvement.

2018-23 Strategic Plan(PDF)


Student Success

Provide resources and support to facilitate increased student persistence and educational goal achievement. (student success details)

Student Experience

Provide core academic offerings and student support at all campuses and online. (student experience details)

Community Enrichment

Engage as a collaborative and contributing partner with the community. (community enrichment details)

Institutional Efficiency

Strengthen systems, policies and procedures to create more proactive, responsive and effective internal processes. (institutional efficiency details)

Questions or Comments?

Email your inquiry or feedback tocollegeplanning@cocc.edu.