
Technology Resources

技术包括广泛的软件、硬件和基于网络的工具,是在课堂上实现通用设计的一种简单而有效的方法。有关通用设计的更多信息,请参阅《教员和工作人员指南》部分。COCC拥有以下可访问的技术来帮助您在课堂环境中满足各种学习需求。请联系我们的电子学习团队(分机7785),以帮助调整技术与您的教学目标,评估技术的可访问性,并提供支持技术的培训。Some require approval through e-learning before receiving access or visit the webpage:COCC eLearning

1.ReadSpeaker-A text to speech program that uses technology to speech enable websites and online documents and forms. Our license specifically integrates with Canvas for student and faculty use. See the separate tab under technology resources menu for more information.

2.CaptiVoiceis an affordable text to speech program for personal use (emails, documents, etc) outside of Canvas, with rates such as $20/year.

3.Speech to Text是免费的,随时可以通过谷歌文档获得!观看这段短视频,然后向下滚动查看视觉方向。

4.Check out thistrello boardfor lists of accessible technology and software based on your need. Are you looking for an app for reminders or schedule planning? Do you need access to text to speech or note taking? Find out about what each app offers, watch demonstration videos, and read reviews from other users. Make sure to scroll around to see all of the options available.

5.Apps for Smart Devices- Are you looking for note taking assistance? Document Scanners and readers? Text-to-Speech help? E-Books? This search helps you find an app to help with that. You can search by category (reading, math, etc), price, device, etc. One program you may want to start with isBalabolka(text to speech). It is freeware that converts PDF's to plain text and has functionality to convert to an MP3 file

6.Assignment Calculator-Plug in your due date for an assignment and this website from the University of Minnesota will plan out your timeline and the steps for completion. If you create a log in, you can even receive text message reminders for each step.

7.Access Technologies- Provides equipment and training to people with significant combined hearing and vision loss so they can stay connected to friends and family.

8. Laptops/Personal Devices-Windows, Macs, Androids, and iOS mobile devices all have common accessibility features:

Window for Accessibility Tools:

Most tools and features can be accessed via theSettingswindow. There are several different methods for accessing this window.

  1. The easiest way is to go to the bottom left corner of the screen and select theStartbutton, then select theSettingsbutton which will appear just above theStartandPowerbuttons.
  2. TheSettingswindow can also be accessed from the Application list under S.
  3. You can also type the word Settings in the Windows search pane (Type here to search).

Ease of Access (Windows Accessibility Settings):

Windows 10 places the majority of their accessibility tools within theEase of Accessarea located in the main Windows Settings window. Knowing how to locate these settings will allow you to access the majority of the accessibility tools we will be discussing in this guide.

To access theEase of Accesswindow, go toStart/The Windows Logo KeythenSettings > Ease of Access

Access on a Mac:

The accessibility tools and features can be accessed via theSystem Preferenceswindow on a Mac. To access this menu window, click on theSystem Preferencesicon. This icon may be located in the dock or you can choose System Preferences from theApplemenu. Depending on the version of the Mac OS you are on, you will see either an option calledUniversal Accessor one calledAccessibility. Regardless of which option you see, clicking on it will bring up the window for accessing most of the accessibility tools for a Mac