
PeopleAdmin HR Recruit

Note:If you are applying for a job with COCC, please visit:jobs.cocc.edu

COCC Employee Information

The links below are for the Human Resources software, PeopleAdmin Recruit. The web application allows you to request a recruitment/job posting. Please contact Human Resources BEFORE beginning a recruitment.

If you are looking for the ONBOARD application see:PeopleAdmin HR Onboard

It is recommend that you useGoogle ChromeorMozilla Firefoxas your internet browser.

PeopleAdmin Staff Site

**Login accounts have changed for existing employees. Try your COCC username (bobcat@cocc.edu) for both the username and password.**

Help Documents for PeopleAdmin Version 7:

How to View Applications - Time Saving Tips (PDF)
Managing Part Time Instructor Pools (PDF)
Application or Applicant Search Tips (PDF)
Accessing Tasks from Your Inbox or Watch List (LINK)Workflow for New Hires(PDF)
Workflow for New Hires(PDF)
Creating a Hiring Proposal (PDF)
PeopleAdmin Job Posting and Applicant Workflow States (PDF)