
About Us


Diversity and Inclusion Mission Statement

Through campus and community engagement, COCC’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion fosters equity and cultural understanding, promotes a respectful learning and work environment that supports student success, and provides culturally relevant assistance to current and prospective under-represented and under-served students.

Diversity and Inclusion has the following main responsibilities:

  • The recruitment and retention (student success) of under-represented and under-served students with a focus on Native American and Latinx high school and college students. The Native American and Latinx Program Coordinators provide personal advising, academic coaching, and cultural culturally relevant support to college students. The Latinx College Preparation Program Coordinator teaches ¡Avanza! and the Native American College Preparation Program Coordinator teaches The Good Road which are both classes for high school students to bolster their aspirations to graduate from high school and consider higher education. All of the staff plan the summer leadership symposiums or summer bridge activities that promote going to college and succeeding academically.
  • 多元文化教育及培训的发展及实施,包括工作坊、演讲人、对话、影片等。活动包括:拉丁文化遗产月、印第安人文化遗产月、黑人历史月、亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民文化遗产月、非暴力季节、安全区讲习班、尊重文化的雇佣讲习班、平等联盟系列以及其他教育校园和社区各方面文化意识和理解的项目。
  • The promotion of a respectful and equitable campus learning and work environment in accordance with the Principles of Community. The Diversity Committee, in collaboration with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, advances the work to ensure that COCC fosters respect, equity, and inclusion. Every three years, a Campus Climate Survey asks students to report on how comfortable and respected they believe the College to be.

Diversity and Inclusion Staff


Christy Walker
Director ofDiversity and Inclusion

Coats Campus Center
Room 216

Marcus LeGrand
Coordinator of theAfrocentric Student and College Prep Program

Cascades Hall
Room 223

Jacqueline Ruggieri
Coordinator of theLatinx Students Program

Coats Campus Center
Room 106A

Claudia Bisso-Fetzer, Ph.D
Coordinator of¡AVANZA!and Ganas, Latinx College Preparation Program

Cascades Hall
Room 242

Geneva Mayall
Coordinator ofThe Good Road and STRIVE, Native American College Preparation Program

Cascades Hall
Room 224

Native American Program