

EPCEmergency Preparation

Emergencies occur without warning. Being physically and psychologically prepared to handle emergencies is both an individual, and organizational, responsibility. The links below help to minimize the effects of an emergency. Please read this information thoroughly, before an emergency occurs. Once you are familiar with this information, you will be better prepared to respond in an emergency. If you have questions about a unique situation not covered in the material, or would like additional information, please contact the Campus Public Safety Department.

Emergency Status UpdatesEmergency Notification SystemBleeding Control Guide

Emergency Procedures ManualEmergency Procedures GuideEmergency Response GuideEvacuation Map

Workplace Injuries

If you are a COCC employee who has been injured on the job, please click the link below to be taken to the COCC Risk Management website. Please fill out the appropriate Workers' Compensation forms and return them to the COCC Risk Management Department.

Workplace Injury Forms

Local Law Enforcement Agencies



(541) 693-6911


(541) 475-2201


(541) 416-0853

Bend Police DepartmentRedmond Police DepartmentMadras Police DepartmentPrineville Police Department

Personal Counseling Services

CAP Services at COCC provides personal counseling services to assist in resolving personal issues, which may be preventing you from achieving your potential at COCC. Professional Counselors are available to meet with any student, on the Bend Campus. There is no charge for this service. For more information see the COCC counseling website, linked below.

COCC Personal Counseling

Policies and Regulations

COCC has established policies and regulations to maintain a safe campus. Public Safety Officers have the authority to enforce all campus policies. COCC also recognizes the violation of any Oregon law (Oregon Revised Statute) and/or federal law, while on campus, as a policy violation.

Vehicle RegulationsGeneral PoliciesStudent PoliciesResident PoliciesOregon Revised Statutes

Citation Appeals


Citation Appeal Form

Appeal Procedure

  1. Get a Citation Appeal Form from one of the previously listed locations, or download and print the formhere.
  2. Complete the form. Incomplete forms will not be considered.
  3. Attach a legible copy of the citation to the appeal form.
  4. Keep a photocopy of the citation and appeal form for your records.
  5. Bring the completed appeal form to the Campus Public Safety Office, located in the Boyle Education Center, during normal business hours.

Additional Information

  • The Citation Appeals Committee will review all appeals received. If you wish to be present for the hearing, indicate so on your appeal form.
  • 引文上诉委员会将在2周(14天)内通过邮件通知你他们的决定。
  • 我们鼓励您在罚款签发后的7天内支付罚款,以便利用费用的减少(总罚款扣除5美元)。如果你的申诉被批准,你的款项将被退还。
  • Unpaid citations will prevent student registration, and are referred to the State of Oregon Department of Revenue for collection. Initial citation amounts may increase upon adoption by a collections agency or the State of Oregon.
  • All fines must be paid at the Admissions and Records Office, located in the Boyle Education Center, during regular business hours, or by mail.
  • The Citation Appeals Committee's decision is final.

Safe Zone

Safe Zones are confidential and safe environments for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. The Safe Zone symbol displayed around the campus identifies individuals who are compassionate, understanding, and committed to helping create an open and accepting environment for all in the COCC community. Several members of the Campus Public Safety Department have attended Safe Zone training and are available to speak with. For more information, please contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Safe Zone Website

Oregon Sex Offender Registry

In Oregon, convicted sex offenders must register with the state. Registry information can be accessed on the State of Oregon Sex Offender Inquiry System website, linked below.The Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit is available for additional information or questions at (503) 378-3725.

Sex Offender Inquiry System