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Technology Lending

Information about the technologies available for checkout at Barber Library


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COCC and Summit students, faculty, and staff can check out all technology equipment available.

Community patrons may check out headphones, audio recorders, flash drives, and miscellaneous chargers and cables only.

You are responsible for the safety and security of any technology item while it is in your possession.如果一件技术在您拥有期间丢失、损坏(即使是意外)或被盗,您将承担全部的重置费用,外加15美元的加工费。The first time you check out a piece of technology equipment, you must sign a document that verifies you understand this responsibility.

The replacement cost of equipment varies greatly, from $10 for small accessories to $1,000+ for laptops. Visit the links in the menu to see the replacement costs for different types of equipment.

Return the equipment to the Barber Library circulation desk during the Library'sopen hours. You can also return items to Redmond (RTEC front desk), Madras, or Prineville campuses during open hours.

Do not use the book drop at the Barber Library, as this can harm the equipment and will result in damaged item replacement fees.


顾客在归还设备之前,须自行删除设备上的个人信息、存储的文件和下载的应用程序。The Library is not liable for damages if a user employs a device in a way that compromises his or her personal data to future users or to other third parties.

However, when a patron returns a device to the Library, staff will make a good faith effort to normalize the device by doing the following.

  1. Deleting any information and files stored by the previous patron
  2. Removing any unauthorized applications installed by the previous patron
  3. Applying any pending updates to applications and operating systems

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This guide byCOCC Barber Libraryis licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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