
Michel Waller

Michel WallerAssistant Professor of Anthropology

Michel Waller has come full circle. He attended COCC and now teaches anthropology here. His favorite course to teach is Biological Anthropology as it traces 65 million years of primate and human evolution.

"I have always been interested in studying the human condition and anthropology allows me to engage in this pursuit through the bio-cultural influences on our evolution," he says. "Furthermore, anthropology has allowed me to focus on the conservation of apes and monkeys by looking at the many ways humans perceive our closest relatives." He says his teaching style varies, but he strives to encourage students to openly discuss the various course topics in a relaxed and respectful environment.

"I enjoy working with a diverse student body, and I appreciate how invested my students are," he says. "Connecting with students and watching them accomplish their goals is extremely rewarding."

Michel has been a member of the COCC faculty since 2006. He earned a bachelor's degree in journalism, a bachelor's degree in general science, a master's degree in anthropology and his PhD in anthropology.

Michel authored two chapters, and was the editor of the book, "Ethnoprimatology: Primate Conservation in the 21st Century," which was published in the fall of 2016.