
Early Childhood Education

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COCC now offers CFC and DALE Career Pathway Certificates. For details see:

Mission Statement:

We are a community of learners that provides innovative, high quality professional development that is accessible, culturally responsive and intentional for early learning educators and advocates.

Vision Statement:

The Early Childhood Education Program at Central Oregon Community College envisions the preparation of empowered individuals and learning communities that value the importance of meaningful curriculum, critical partnerships, and advocacy for social justice.

Core Themes:

  • Meaningful Curriculumis
    • Research-Based
    • Developmentally Appropriate
    • Culturally Responsive
  • Critical Partnershipsinclude
    • Teacher-Child
    • Family-School
    • School-Community
  • Social Justiceencompasses
    • Honoring Diversity
    • Examining Systems of Inequity
    • Overcoming Barriers and Building Pathways

Program Description and Degree Options

At Central Oregon Community College, the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program provides students with an interest in early childhood,including the early primary elementary years,with a foundation in the theoretical, social, historical, and legal aspects of early childhood programming. The Associate Degree programs in Early Childhood Education at Central Oregon Community College provide the foundational knowledge, field experiences, and common skills and strategies that prepare students for multiple roles within the field of early childhood education, including pathways to licensure. While the program prepares students for direct work with young children in classroom and educational settings, many associate degree-seeking students have additional professional goals (many requiring further education) including but not limited to –

  • Early childhood educator rolessuch as an infant/toddler, preschool/pre-kindergarten, or elementary classroom teacher, family child care provider, Head Start teacher, or paraprofessional in public schools, after school programs, early intervention/special education;
  • Home-family support rolessuch as family advocate, child protective services worker, or parent educator; or home visitor
  • Professional support roles比如儿童保育或启智项目的幼儿管理员,员工培训师,同伴/项目导师,或社区、州或国家层面的倡导者。


Download theECE Student Handbook(pdf)
Download theECE Student Handbook in Spanish(pdf)
Updated 2020

ECE Video Overview

News Article:
Students of the Early Childhood Education program discover a diverse, close-knit and immersive experience.

Early Childhood Career Information

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For more information, contact theSocial Scienceoffice at (541) 383-7230.